The Dot Effect

Effective Entrepreneur information and solutions - the musings of an Entrepreneur for Entrepreneurs. Be sure to look at my Online Business site for web development and online business ideas - Join me on all social media too for updates and information.

Business Plan Basics

Business Plan Basics
I'm often asked by new Entrepreneurs how to put a business plan together and it seems to be the one thing that people have more questions about than answers.  In this section I will discuss the document and I will follow up in another blog a financial plan outline which should always accompany ...


© The Dot Effect

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The Confidence Gap and how it's affecting your Business

The Confidence Gap and how it's affecting your Business
We are all somewhere on the scale of confidence and people will think we have too much or too little depending on where their level of confidence lies.  Let me start out by defining what confidence is: full trust; belief in oneself and one's personal power or abilities, trustworthiness, self-a...
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What makes a customer happy?

What makes a customer happy?
In my last post I discussed how emotions contribute to the buying decision.  In this post I want to speak about the customer experience. Once we know who our customer is, what problem or pleasure we are offering, what emotions to address and we have them at the stage where they want to make a b...
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Do your customers need a Push or a Pull?

Do your customers need a Push or a Pull?
As humans we are emotional beings, even the least emotional amongst us will base their decisions on some degree of emotion while otheres base all their decisions on emotion or intuition.  Today, it is the businesses that understand this best who will develop the most success for themselves. You...
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Not another coach!

Not another coach!
Having been a qualified and accredited Coach for almost 15 years, I have seen the coaching industry go from an unknown entity to an industry that is over populated with coaches with diverse specialities, of all levels of skill, experience and knowledge.  It seems today that everyone you speak t...
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Dot Bekker
and then there are those lazy coaches who feel the need to promote themselves on the websites and facebook pages of successful coa... Read More
Tuesday, 21 January 2020 12:53
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TO Blog or NOT to Blog?

TO Blog or NOT to Blog?
Blogging has been a phenomena for over a decade now and there are now many thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of blogs.  So have made people famous, some have made people rich and famous and the large majority of blogs languish on unknown sites unread and also never updated.  I am fre...
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Stop Wasting Your Time !

Stop Wasting Your Time !
What is the most valuable commodity in the world today?  Once it is gone it cannot be recovered, it cannot be replaced, what is it - TIME.  When your time is gone it is gone, no amount of appeal, crying or begging will bring it back to you. This blog was inspired by the wannabe Entrepreneu...
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EVENT: Awesome Woman

EVENT: Awesome Woman
  We're all awesome women, right?  Yes indeed we are but one of the things that I hear most often from women is the things that they don't have the confidence to do ... for example: "I would love to do ... but I just don't think I can" "I would have said something but I didn't want to offe...


© Dot Bekker

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EVENT: Speed Mentoring

EVENT: Speed Mentoring
I was recently invited to return to The Network (a women's network) and participate in an event that they has labelled Speed Mentoring, taking the concept of speed networking but replacing the networking with mentoring. A diverse group of people were asked to participate covering a range of topices ...
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Entrepreneur Interview: Christine Hansen - Sleep Like a Baby

Entrepreneur Interview: Christine Hansen - Sleep Like a Baby
I had the pleasure of meeting Christine at a networking session I attended and then getting to know her better when she attended a workshop I was running.  I knew immediately that she was a woman on a missing to follow her passion and determined to build a business and help others. I've been wa...
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EVENT: US Embassy Young Entrepreneur Program 3.0

EVENT: US Embassy Young Entrepreneur Program 3.0

Entrepreneurship is certainly synonymous with the USA.  In Luxembourg the US Embassy's programme to introduce young people to Entrepreneurship is certainly an inspiration to young people here who are not generally exposed to this as a future option.

I was privileged to be asked to participate and partner with The US Embassy - Luxembourg in their 3rd edition of the Young Entrepreneur Program.


© Images - Delano and Chronicle

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Before you fire the first bullet ...

Before you fire the first bullet ...

In the last blog'magic bullet' that people are looking for in business was mentioned, so it came to mind how people shoot off before they've actually done one very important thing.

Every business has a desire to understand their market and the competitive landscape they operate in and when starting a business for the first time it is vitally important to get it right at the outset as getting it wrong could doom you to failure or unnecessary losses.

What am I talking about?  It's that age old matter of customer research.  How to assess the market place, understand where your customers are and how to engage them.

Here are my Key Research actions to assist you...

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When it sounds too good to be true ...

When it sounds too good to be true ...

I was inspired to write this after reading the opening paragraph by Darren Hardy in his book The Compound Effect.

Being from Africa where gullible people have been the fodder of criminals for many decades I'm never short of surprises when it comes to how gullible people still remain, the question is ... are you one of them?

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Mark Zuckerberg's 10 Business Book Reading LIst

I recently mentioned that all great Entrepreneurs are constantly reading to improve their knowledge, gain new insights and see new trends, Mark Zuckerberg (founder of Facebook) is a clear example.  Knowing that he is a social media guru it is interesting to see how he is looking at the world with a global perspective and getting to understand different cultures.

Below are some books he recently disclosed to Business Insider, UK, that he is reading:


© Extracted from Business Insider UK.

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Essential for Entrepreneurs - TODAY ONLY

Essential for Entrepreneurs - TODAY ONLY
There is one thing that I've found that all successful Entrepreneurs do, regardless of where they are in their business, they read.  Generally they don't read fiction or romance novels much (unless they're on a beach or it is for business) but you will almost always find that any Entrepreneur h...
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Should you be paying these fees?

Should you be paying these fees?

As I work with clients throughout Europe it has been incredible to note that since July 2015 SEPA came into effect and still there are banks that are trying to charge clients fees for international (European) transfers!

SEPA (The Single Euro Payments Area) is a payment-integration initiative by the European Union for the simplification of bank transfers denominated in Euros. As at July 2015, SEPA consists of the 28 member states of the European Union, the four member states of the European Free Trade Association (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland), Andorra, Monaco and San Marino.


© Thanks to Wikipedia for links.

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Is it time?

Is it time?

Time, its the only thing there is never enough of and not something anyone can give you, nor is it something you can get back when it is gone!

It's that time of year when we think of the time gone by and make ourselves promises of what the year ahead will bring and truly it is more important than we think.  Time is our most important asset next to health, well without health time changes our perspective, either we know we don't have enough of it left or we feel each moment painfully.  You may disagree with that statement and say money is more important, I can guarantee many dead rich people will disagree with you!

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Facebook Posting Hints

Facebook Posting Hints
Enter your text here ...You're on Facebook and now you've started your Business Page or Group but now ... what to do?This is the part where people most often get stuck, hey I've get there myself, sometimes there's just so much going on that I forget to post or I think that my posts may not be intere...
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Public Speaking

Public Speaking
When you're an Entrepreneur there may be times when you're asked to speak publicly and certainly is one of the ways to become better know and to promote your business.  But, what if you're not accustomed to public speaking?  We've all heard that it is the number one fear and causes st...
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Face Shapes

Face Shapes

Ever wonder why round faced people are more hearty and confident and yet people with longer faces seem to have to work harder at it?  Well behavioural genetics indicates that in general there are facial traits which are typical to certain personality types or attributes.

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